The Military Order of the Purple Heart Auxiliary of the United States of America, Inc. consists of Members who are parents, grandparents, spouses, widows, widowers, siblings, children, and grandchildren of persons who have been awarded the Purple Heart. Each member falls into three categories.
Life Members: Lineal relations age 14 and above
Junior Members: Lineal relations age birth to age thirteen
Associate Members: relationships consisting of non lineal relations. (See graph for clarity).
Our volunteer organization is committed to serving the needs of Veterans and their families. For the last 9 decades, the Military Order of the Purple Heart has adhered to the objectives that were set forth in 1933. Those objectives are "assisting, comforting, and aiding all distressed members and their dependents.
Members belong to region that constitute Units and Departments. A Unit is a group of 10 or more members. A Department is a "State" or territory that has 2 or more active Units with a minimum of 60 members. Potential Life Members, who wish to belong to the MOPHA, may be request to join a Unit with a voice and a vote. They may also request to join and become an "At-Large" member without a voice and a vote.
Junior Members and Associate Members do not have a voice or vote.
Units and Departments of the Auxiliary Regions:
Region I: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia.
Region II: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan (D), Minnesota (M), Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio (O), West Virginia, and Wisconsin (D).
Region III: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming
Region IV: Alabama, Florida, Georgia (D), Mississippi, (D) North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Region V: Arkansas, Colorado (D), Kansas, Louisiana (D), New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas (D).
Region VI: Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah.
Note: a (D) designation refers to a Department.