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Zoom Meetings
On the third Thursday of each month, our National Membership is welcomed to join fellow members in a Zoom Meeting. Each month, a new topic is addressed. If you have any ideas for a Zoom meeting, we'd love to know.
Members will receive details in our "General Orders" Newsletter that is emailed prior to the month's meeting. There are also "mini–General Orders" (Named 'Bunny Hop" that are emailed during holidays or other occasions. If your email has changed, update your information by changing it on the member page or by contacting our National Membership Officer.
Topics on prior Zoom meetings can be found by visiting the members only page.
General Orders
The Official MOPHA digital Newsletter, (General Orders), follows a monthly theme set forth by the National President. This year's theme is entitled "Together, We Can Do It!" and each month's General Orders will follow a monthly theme that mimics "Togetherness and Accomplishments".
Special, and more condensed, versions of the newsletter is entitled "Bunny Hop" and is sent during special circumstances, occasions, and holidays. If you are a member of the Order or Auxiliary and ae not receiving emails, please re-register on our newsletter page.
Bunny Hop
The "Bunny Hop" newsletter is a special edition of General Orders. If you are not receiving MOPHA emails, please re-register on our password protected newsletter page

Purple Heart Magazine
The "Purple Heart Magazine" is seeking contributors! Photographs, articles, reunion news, or anything that you wish to have included. Submissions can be sent to
Haven't received your digital copy? Read past issues by clicking here:
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